The best Notion tool for LinkedIn creators

Publish on LinkedIn and track your stats without leaving Notion

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+1500 creators have published more than 10,000 posts with Scheduled.

Create, review and publish your LinkedIn posts from Notion

Stop switching between tools. Everything you need is on one Notion page.

Write any kind of LinkedIn posts

Write different types of LinkedIn posts from Notion. Text, image, video or carrousel posts.

Tag profiles or pages on LinkedIn

Tag any LinkedIn profile or page from Notion by writing the name and adding a hyperlink to the LinkedIn URL.

Connect your LinkedIn profile or page

With the Solo plan, you can connect only one LinkedIn account: your profile or your page. To connect multiple LinkedIn accounts, you need to subscribe to the Pro plan.

Schedule your LinkedIn posts in less than 5 minutes


Connect Notion

Use your own Notion template or download a new free one.

Connect LinkedIn

Connect your own LinkedIn account or your pages.

Schedule or publish

Publish manually from Notion or let Scheduled retrieves the posts for you.